About Me

My mission is highly inspired by Khadijah (R.A). Not only is her entrepreneurial spirit admirable, but she broke stereotypes, was a woman of Islam and helped use her wealth for good. These are the same values I uphold in my brand.

Meet the founder

Assalamu Alaikum,

My name is Noor and I am a 22 year old serial entrepreneur. I built my first website on Wix at 12 promoting a games club I founded at school and then went the extra mile and designed business cards for it. From there I took an IT GCSE and designed graphics and edited videos and then formally started using social media for my own businesses at 18. Seeing the power social media had grew my love for creating content and building a community.

The reason I chose to dedicate my business to Muslim women is because I know how our beliefs mean we have to adapt the way we do business. I always knew I did not want a traditional job and wanted to have something of my own so I could have complete freedom and still be able to focus on my deen and Islamic responsibilities. I wanted to help other Muslimah’s do the same by growing their business so that they could enjoy financial freedom too!

In December 2020 I founded Noor Digital Studios and originally offered freelance social media management. I have since transitioned into offering all kinds of services.

 Let’s work together